With the infrastructural development taking the city by a storm, a lot of people are looking to buy new apartments in Patna for their residential needs. However, even with the still affordable prices of apartments, a home is still quite a sizeable investment, which hardly leaves enough of a budget to personalize your new home. To help you out in adding your touch to your home, here are a few budget-friendly décor tips for you:
Paint the world

Painting the walls or parts of it is the fastest and the cheapest way to transform a regulation apartment into your personal abode. Choose colours that you feel would perfectly showcase your personality and that go well together.
Go for a theme

Whether it is a simple colour scheme or a full blown theme that you took inspiration from, it is a place to begin! Vintage and rustic themes are the easiest to do on a budget, but you should listen to your heart on this one.
Change it up

Whether you got a fully furnished apartment or whether you’re just bored of the set-up, rearranging your furniture costs next to nothing. The best part with this tip is that you can keep moving things around till you find the best arrangement for your rooms.
Picture this

If you have a lot of wall space to fill, but can’t really afford to buy giant art pieces, go for small frames. You can pick up a lot of picture frames for quite cheap and then you could spray paint them all white to lend a touch of elegance to the look.
Go green

Bringing in houseplants can brighten up any room and add life and style to any space. Make sure you get plants that are easy to take care of and taking care of which can fit easily into your schedule. After all, the whole point of this tip is to add ‘life’ to a room, which won’t be fulfilled with dead plants.
Making do with what you have

There are many things in a home that can be repurposed. Use the internet to look up easy DIY projects and start looking at things in a more creative way to see if they can meet some decorating need or the other.
Disguise it

If you can’t afford to replace an old furniture piece, learn to disguise it. A rug over a stained carpet, or covering up an old sofa with interesting fabrics are some of the things you can do in this regard.
Using paint to add accents to a dull surface, colourful fabrics, small knick knacks, etc. are some of the easiest ways to take a new home and make it your own.
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